Certification Body | Frameworks |
The Career Development Institute Claire Johnson claire.johnson@thecdi.net 01384 376464 The Apprenticeship sector for occupations in Career Development |
Career Development |
CITB Harriet Atherton frameworksCB@citb.co.uk 0344 994 4455 – option 4 then option 2 The Apprenticeship sector for occupations in construction. |
Construction Building Construction Civil Engineering Construction Specialist Construction Technical |
Cogent Skills (Scotland) Ian Lockhart / Kate Hutchins info@cogentskills.com 01925 515 220 The Apprenticeship sector for occupations in chemical manufacturing, nuclear science, oil and gas extraction (also includes process technology, bioscience, polymer and sign making). |
Life Science Process Manufacturing Water Treatment Management Oil and Gas Production Signmaking Production of Coatings |
Creative and Cultural Skills – Skills Federation maonline@skillsfederation.org 0300 303 4444 option 1 The Apprenticeship sector for occupations in arts, cultural heritage, craft and design (also includes music, literature, performing arts and visual arts). |
Cultural and Heritage Venue Operations Design Jewellery, Silversmithing and Allied Trades |
ECITB Katie Purkiss frameworks@ecitb.org.uk 01923 260 000 The Apprenticeship sector for occupations in engineering construction. |
Engineering Construction |
Energy and Utility Skills – Skills Federation maonline@skillsfederation.org
0300 303 4444 option 1 The Apprenticeship sector for occupations in electricity, gas and water supply, and waste management (also includes gas utilisation, recycling and waste water collection and treatment). |
Smart Meter Installations (Dual Fuel) Sustainable Resource Management The Electricity Industry The Gas Industry The Power Industry The Water Industry |
Enginuity Jackie Wooton certification@enginuity.org 01923 238 441 The Apprenticeship sector for occupations in science, engineering and manufacturing technologies. |
Engineering Engineering Craft Industrial Applications |
Financial Skills Partnership Jean Snaith apprenticeshipadmin@people1st.co.uk 0114 284 1977 The Apprenticeship sector for occupations in financial services and accountancy. Certification managed by Skills for Justice. |
Accounting Payroll Providing Financial Services Professional Services Technical Apprenticeship |
IMI (Automotive) Rebecca Parker/Caroline Harris apprenticeships@theimi.org.uk 01992 519 039 The Apprenticeship sector for occupations in the automotive industry (also includes Vehicle Maintenance & Repair, Vehicle Sales, Vehicle Body & Paint, Vehicle Fitting and Vehicle Parts). |
Automotive Management and Leadership Vehicle Body and Paint Vehicle Fitting Vehicle Parts Vehicle Sales Vehicle Maintenance and Repair |
IMI (Logistics) Rebecca Parker/Caroline Harris apprenticeships@theimi.org.uk 01992 519 039 The Apprenticeship sector for occupations in Freight Logistics and Maritime. |
Freight Logistics Maritime Occupations Supply chain Management |
Instructus Group Larisa Puk info@instructus.org 01536 738 631 The Apprenticeship sector for occupations in air conditioning, building services engineering, business and administration, cleaning, customer service, digital/information technology, electro technical, electrical and electronic servicing, enterprise and business support, facilities management, heating and ventilating, housing, human resources and recruitment, industrial relations, leadership and management, marketing and sales (also includes contact centres and third sector), plumbing, property and refrigeration. |
Business & Administration Customer Service Management Facilities Management Housing Electrical Installation Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning Refrigeration Plumbing IT Application Specialist IT Software Web & Telecoms Professionals IT Users Higher Apprenticeship for ICT Professionals IT & Telecoms Professionals |
Lantra Darinda Faulkner apprenticeships@lantra.co.uk 02476 858425 The Apprenticeship sector for occupations in environmental and land-based. |
Agriculture Aquaculture Equine Game and Wildlife Management Horticulture Land-based Engineering Trees and Timber |
Learning and Skills Improvement Service Jean Snaith apprenticeshipadmin@people1st.co.uk 0114 284 1977 The Apprenticeship sector for occupations in community learning and development, further education, higher education, teaching support, libraries, archives and information services, work-based learning and development (also includes records and information management services). Certification managed by Skills for Justice. |
Youth Work |
The National Skills Academy for Food & Drink Kia Stanton-Smith info@nsafd.co.uk / k.stanton-smith@nsafd.co.uk 0330 174 1253 The Apprenticeship sector for occupations in food and drink manufacturing. |
Food and Drink Food Manufacture |
People 1st Jean Snaith apprenticeshipadmin@people1st.co.uk 0114 284 1977 Apprenticeship sector for occupations in hospitality, catering, retail, leisure, travel, tourism and passenger transport. |
Bus and Coach Engineering and Maintenance Hospitality PCV Driving Travel Services |
Proskills Kia Stanton-Smith info@nsafd.co.uk / k.stanton-smith@nsafd.co.uk 0330 174 1253 The Apprenticeship sector for occupations in printing, mineral extraction and processing, health and safety and process and manufacturing of furniture, glass, ceramics, coatings and paper (also includes glazing, building products, wood and mining). |
Extractive and Minerals Processing Furniture and Furnishings and Interiors Glass Industry Occupations Occupational Health and Safety Wood and Timber |
Scottish Social Services Council Samantha Scott maenquiries@sssc.uk.com 01382 723 642 The Apprenticeship sector for occupations in social care and the care of children and young people. |
Care Leadership and Management Children’s Care Learning and Development Children and Young People’s Workforce Health and Social Care Higher Apprenticeship in Adult Social Care |
ScreenSkills Krisztina Biliczky / Demi Daley-Shaw Krisztina.biliczky@screenskills.com 0207 713 9800 The Apprenticeship sector for occupations in media. |
Creative and Digital Media |
SkillsActive – Skills Federation maonline@skillsfederation.org 0300 303 4444 option 1 The Apprenticeship sector for occupations in sports coaching, active leisure, hairdressing and beauty (also includes fitness, stewarding, outdoors, playwork and sporting excellence). |
Achieving Excellence in Sports Performance Active Leisure Learning and Wellbeing |
SkillsActive (Habia) – Skills Federation maonline@skillsfederation.org 0300 303 4444 option 1 The Apprenticeship sector for occupations in hair, beauty, nails, spa therapy, barbering and African type hair. |
Barbering Hairdressing |
Skills for Health Jean Snaith apprenticeshipadmin@people1st.co.uk 0114 284 1977 The Apprenticeship sector for occupations in health care. |
Dental Nursing Pharmacy Services Healthcare Support |
Skills for Justice (central government and armed forces) Jean Snaith apprenticeshipadmin@people1st.co.uk 0114 284 1977 The Apprenticeship sector for central Government and the armed forces. |
HM Forces Public Services |
Skills for Justice (Justice, Community Safety and Legal Services) Jean Snaith apprenticeshipadmin@people1st.co.uk 0114 284 1977 The Apprenticeship sector for occupations in fire and rescue services, policing and law enforcement, custodial care, courts service, prosecution service, forensic science (also includes Legal Services, Youth Justice, Probation/Offender Management, Community Justice). |
Courts and Tribunal Operations Paralegal Practice |
Skills for Security Jon Ansty j.ansty@skillsforsecurity.org.uk 01905 744 000 The Apprenticeship sector for occupations in security. |
Security Systems |
Skillsmart Retail UK Ltd Jean Snaith apprenticeshipadmin@people1st.co.uk 0114 284 1977 The Apprenticeship sector for occupations in retail. |
Retail |
UK Fashion & Textile Association Ana Findlator apprenticeships@ukft.org 0207 843 9460 The offices are manned Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and messages can be left Mondays and Fridays.The Apprenticeship sector for occupations in fashion and textiles. |
Fashion and Textiles Heritage SCQF 5 Fashion and Textiles Heritage SCQF 6/7 |